Union Cowork Response to Coronavirus Read Here

Meet San Marcos Member, Christina Asai


1. What is your name and business?

My name is Christina Asai. By day I serve as the Membership Director alongside my incredible team at the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce (@sanmarcoschamber), housed within Union Cowork’s San Marcos location. Outside of my time with the Chamber, I enjoy consulting overwhelmed small business owners who are wanting to achieve a strong web presence to put together their first website.

2. What makes you special?

My business coach tells me: “you are always willing to say yes to what scares you” and I believe I owe a large part of my success to my willingness to throw myself into experiences that are uncomfortable and where I am not an expert by any means. The honest truth is, I’m not any less scared now, I’ve just learned how to respond to that inner voice whenever it pops up and tells me I’m going to fail.

3. How is Union helpful to your journey?

Like many work-from-home turned coworking patrons, I had grown weary of the dance between the local coffee shops (and now this need has become even more relevant with the pandemic): waiting for the next available seat next to the 1 working outlet, running out to feed the parking meter, apologizing to clients for dropped calls because of unstable wi-fi, sandwiching my ears between noise-cancelling headphones to mute out the blaring music. Having a quiet and reliable place to focus is priceless – but having access to incredible partnerships AND having The Wynn’s Ice Cream Shop (@wynnsicecream) next door is whipped cream with a cherry on top!

4. Where are you from?

A year ago I would’ve referred to myself as a true Angeleno, but this year of navigating the highs and lows of quarantine have made me rethink what it means to call a place home. I am so appreciative for having the ability to come into the cowork and for the faces I get to see every day.

5. What do you like about coworking and/or Union Cowork?

As if it wasn’t already amazing enough to have unlimited refills of coffee, at Union Cowork San Marcos we have our very own in-house barista: our multi-talented community manager, Shera. It would be an understatement to say that she is THE face of this special place. From the community members that I now call friends to the new faces I get to meet every day, I’m so grateful to be able to call Union my home away from home.

IG: @christinaasai
